Wednesday, April 6, 2016

Trinity's Opinion on Cell Phones in School

Should Elementary School students  bring cell phones to school

By Trinity

  1. Reason
I think we should not bring cell phones to school because we would get in a lot of trouble because I know some girls in my class that get on Facebook.Also they would not listen and play in the bathroom.
2.  Example
A girl goes to the bathroom and stays in there for 5 hours and Mrs.Lawson finds out she was playing on her phone so she suspends her for 10 weeks!
3. Reason
No because I think to many people would get in trouble on the first day!
4. Example
Nobody would listen so they would start to talk back!
5. Conclusion

I think we should not bring cell phones to school because cell phones will just get us in trouble!

Cellphones, Cell Phones

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